IC-2710H - Dual Band VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver |
Quick Specs:
2m/440 MHz dual band mobile transceiver
RX: 118-174 MHz; 440-450 MHz
TX: 144-148 MHz; 440-450 MHz
Output power: 50 W VHF; 35 W UHF
Modes: FM, (AM receive only 118-136 MHz air band)
Receiver sensitivity: 0.16 µV (FM, 12 dB SINAD)
CTCSS encode standard, CTCSS decode (tone squelch) optional |
Detailed Specifications
- Frequency coverage:
- VHF:
- Transmit: 144-148 MHz
- Receive: 118-174* MHz (*guaranteed 144-148)
- UHF: 440-450 MHz
- Mode: FM, AM* (* Rx. only; 118-136 MHz; not guaranteed)
- Number of memory channels: 220 (200 regular, 2 call, 6 scratch pads and 12 scan edges)
- Antenna impedance: 50 ohms (SO-239)
- Power supply requirement: 13.8 V DC+/-15% (12 A)
- Usable temperature range: -10°C to +60°C; +14°F to +140°F
- Frequency stability: ±10 ppm or better
- Tuning step increment: 5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 50 kHz
- Current drain (at 13.8 V DC):
- Transmit at high power: 12 A (VHF); 11 A (UHF)
- Receive: 1.2 A (squelched); 1.8 A (max. audio output)
- Dimensions (projections not included): 140(W) x 40(H) x 212.4(D) mm, 5.5(W) x 1.6(H) x 8.38 (D) in
- Weight: approx. 1.4 kg; 3.1 lb.
- Output power:
- VHF: 50 W, 10 W, 5 W selectable
- UHF: 35 W, 10 W, 5 W selectable
- Modulation system: Variable reactance frequency modulation
- Max. frequency deviation: ±5.0 kHz
- Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dB
- Microphone impedance: 600 ohms (8-pin modular)
- Receive system: Double conversion superheterodyne
- Intermediate frequencies:
- VHF: 1st 45.05 MHz; 2nd 455 kHz
- UHF: 1st 57.65 MHz; 2nd 455 kHz
- Sensitivity: Less than 0.16 µV (typical) for 12 dB SINAD
- Squelch sensitivity: 0.13 µV (at threshold)
- Spurious rejection ratio: More than 60 dB
- Audio output power: More than 2.4 W at 10% distortion with an 8 ohms load.
IC-2710H Options
- OPC-600/601 SEPARATION CABLE: For operation with the front panel detached. OPC-600: 3.5 m (11.5 ft); OPC-601: 7.0 m (23.0 ft)
- MB-58 REMOTE CONTROLLER BRACKET: Mounts the remote controller in a convenient location for operation with the front panel detached.
- MB-65 REMOTE CONTROLLER BRACKET: Mounts the remote controller with the MB-58. Adjustable angle and direction for optimum positioning.
- OPC-347 DC POWER CABLE: Cable length: 7 m (23.0 ft); capacity: 20 A.
- OPC-440/647 MICROPHONE EXTENSION CABLES: OPC-440: 5.0 m (16.4 ft); OPC-647: 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
- OPC-441 SPEAKER EXTENSION CABLE: Cable length: 5.0 m (16.4 ft)
- HM-90 WIRELESS MICROPHONE: Infrared, full remote control microphone. Wired remote control is also possible.
- EX-1759 INFRARED RECEIVER: Used to receive control signals from the HM-90.
- BC-96 MICROPHONE HOLDER: Holds the HM-90 in a convenient place and supplies power to the charging circuit of the HM-90.
- CP-13/L and OPC-288 CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLE WITH NOISE FILTER and DC POWER CABLE: Supply power to the BC-96 for charging the Ni-Cd batteries inside the HM-90 when the BC-96 cannot be connected to the EX-1759 directly.
- EX-1513 INFRARED SUB RECEIVER: Used with the EX-1759 to extend the controllable area.
- AH-32 144/430(440) MHz DUAL BAND ANTENNA
- AHB-32 TRUNK MOUNT ANTENNA BASE: Trunk mount with a coaxial cable for the AH-32.
- CS-2710 plus OPC-646 CLONING SOFTWARE plus CLONING CABLE: For quick and easy programming of memories, etc.
- HS-62 plus HS-15SB plus OPC-589 FLEXIBLE MOBILE MICROPHONE plus SWITCHBOX plus ADAPTER CABLE: For all-around mobile operation.
- IC-PS30 DC POWER SUPPLY: Provide 13.8 V and 25 A (max.) for base station use.
- MB-17A MOBILE MOUNTING BRACKET: One-touch bracket. Transceiver body is easily attached and removed.
- UT-49 DTMF DECODER UNIT: Provides pager and code squelch functions.
- UT-104 TONE SQUELCH UNIT: Provides pocket beep, tone decode scan and tone squelch.