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IC-756PRO + IC-PW1 Control Software Interconnection

1) Make sure the CT-17 is powered up. Connect the CT-17 output 1 to IC-756PRO, and output 2 to IC-PW1.
2) Power up the IC-756PRO and set up the CI-V communication per the IC-PW1 manual. The CI-V set up will vary between the early and the latest IC-PW1 units.
3) Power on the IC-756PRO and the IC-PW1. The IC-PW1 should now automatically select the band the IC-756PRO is set to.
4) Now start the software, and set the software com port setting to the port you have the CT-17 connected to. The software should recognize the IC-756PRO and show the exact frequency on the computer screen the IC-756PRO is tuned to.
5) As you change bands on either the IC-756PRO or the software, the IC-PW1 will follow that band change. If you change bands on the software, both the IC-756PRO and the IC-PW1 will follow that band change.
IC-756PRO + IC-PW1
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